Gouldian Finches leave the nest at between 19 and 23 days and are independent at 40 days old. When the eggs hatch, both parents help care for the young. Both parents help brood the eggs during the daytime, and the female stays on the eggs at night. After mating, a female lays a clutch of about 4–8 eggs. He expands his chest and fluffs out his forehead feathers.
When a male is courting a female, he bobs about ruffling his feathers to show off his colors. The male courtship dance is a fascinating spectacle. In captivity, they usually nest in finch nest boxes of covered wicker baskets.
In the wild, Gouldian finches generally make their nests in tree holes and they breed in the early part of the dry season, when plenty of food is available.
Please refer to this webpage for photos in addition to the contact information of a breeder. Yellow, dilute, blue, silver, white and even albino gouldian finches have been bred - all of which are breathtaking. The gravel should be replaced at least once a month and the whole cage should be cleaned and disinfected frequently. These delicate finches need a clean environment and excellent nutrition to thrive. The Gouldian finch can be difficult to breed outside its native climate of Australia but does well when given the right conditions. Related Web Resources: Finch Information … Index of Finch Species … Photos of the Different Finch Species for Identification … Common Health Problems of Finchesīreeding / Nesting (below) … Diet / Feeding … Life Cycle