Steven Furtick introduced Pastrix Christine Caine to preach on a Sunday morning at Elevation Church.

Furtick’s mockery divides the body of Christ, helps to create a holier-than-thou attitude, and potentially risks a direct violation of scripture. Is not God a God of grace? Of course, he is (Rom. It seems that he is not only ridiculing those who hold to the doctrines of grace but that he is also mocking the very doctrines which the scriptures teach. Furtick is entitled to not agree with the doctrines of grace, but to mock them as he did is uncalled for and is potentially a serious spiritual error on his part.

They are held by millions of Christians all over the world. Now, whether or n you agree with these doctrines, the truth is that they affirm the greatness of God and his sovereign work of saving people. 9:16), and that the saved are eternally secure because their salvation rests in Christ’s work, not man’s faithfulness (John 10:27-28). 2:13), which is by God’s choice, not man’s (John 1:13 Rom. Therefore, the doctrines of grace include God’s electing and predestining people to salvation (2 Thess. It further states that because of man’s enslavement to sin he is unable to freely choose God (1 Cor.
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It is not up to man’s sinful free will, but God’s sovereignty over his creation (Rom. In other words, the doctrines of grace affirm that man is completely lost in his sin and it is only by the grace of God through the person of Jesus that salvation is possible. Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints. The Doctrines of Grace are often described by the acronym TULIP. Furtick’s comments is both subtle and profound. I am sure we can find one where you can stuff your face until you’re so obese spiritually that you can’t even move.” 4 “…if that doesn’t get you excited and you need the doctrines of grace as defined by John Calvin to excite you, you in the wrong church. However, shortly after the above quote in the same video and after speaking of multiple conversions occurring at his church, he said… Preaching Jesus so people can come to know him is admirable and is one of the things the Christian church is supposed to do. It is what Elevation Church is all about.” 3 And then we train them up so that others can know Jesus. “…a church for the overlooked, for the unloved…we preach Jesus so people far from God can know Jesus. Steven Furtick says that he wants Elevation Church to be… This is admirable and we should applaud him for it. He promotes Christ, has positive messages about what God wants for his people, and reaches out in faith to expand the kingdom of God.

It represents his spirit, his presence, his power…”, etc. He attributes the growth to “the jars.” As he says, “the oil is something only God can give. His church started with 19 people in 2006 and is now at over 9,000 as of 2012. He has experienced rapid church growth, and he is building various campuses where church services are expanding. in communications, and went on to complete a Master of Divinity from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.” 1 His church has over 10,000 attendees on a weekly basis. He “attended North Greenville University, received a B.A. 19, 1980) is the founder and pastor of Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina.